Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 27 - Travel to Dental Appointment

Day 27, 63 remaining if all goes according to plan.

Jan got all cleaned up and even put in her earrings for a new picture. She's even trying to smile. We will pick Tessa up in a bit and we have to get Jan suitably medicated to withstand the trip. Hopefully we can get her night guard refitted to help keep her jaw in alignment. She thinks that is part of her neck muscle problems.

You may notice her tool kit taped to the front of her vest. That is in case of cardiac emergency, they can use it to remove it for CPR or other life saving emergencies. Apparently, they do this for all halo-vest users, not just her so no need to freak out. It is standard procedure.

Both of us slept pretty good last night. That's a big improvement. Sleep is one of those things you can't catch up on. Once you lose it, it can't be gotten back.

You can see her reading glasses hanging off the front of the vest where I clipped some of the lining away. You can see her neck now instead of a head perched on a pile of wool! She needs a new pair and we'll pick some out while we are out today. Not being able to move your head makes reading more difficult so anything we can do to alleviate the strain is good.

1 comment:

  1. A tool kit, huh? That makes perfect sense, but it's not the kind of thing you'd think of. Kind of like when my sister had her jaw wired shut after some oral surgery. She had to carry a pair of wire cutters with her, so that if she needed to throw up she could cut the wires and not drown. Lovely.
