Wednesday, March 4, 2020

T-27 Days Until the End of an Era

As my time at my current job winds down, my forced early retirement currently has no shape or focus beyond some future welding class that I haven't even signed up for yet.

It was a nice day so I drove a Buick to work.  I won't have too many more times to do that.

Of the 27 days left, 19 are normal workdays but I'm still using up vacation at the rate of 2-3 per week plus a full week off.

That leaves only 8 days in the office over the next 4 weeks.

I've been cleaning out my area. All pictures and most personal items are home already. I've got 6 hot chocolate K-cups, some Trader Joe's dried pineapple, half a bag of Hershey's kisses and 3 Rice Krispies treats in my pantry drawer.  There are a couple of G2 Gatorades in the dorm fridge.

It might not be enough to weather a Corona virus quarantine but for 8 days of work, I should be fine.