Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 123 - First Physical Therapy Visit

Wednesday, tax day, was Jan's first day for physical therapy. It was pretty easy. He showed her an exercise she can do now called the "I don't know and I don't care." She needs to lift her shoulders up, the don't know part, and to try to squeeze her shoulder blades together.

She only had heat and electrostimulation yesterday and it did make her feel better. She still tired out early. The visits are Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the time being.

Tuesday was her return visit to the heart doctor. She was really worried about it the whole day before her appointment. She took a half valium before the trip and it helped. There was a two hour wait because the doctor had an emergency pace maker procedure.

He explained her echocardiogram and said it was fine. Her valves are good and he mentioned, only because it was on the report, that there was slight leakage. Nothing to be concerned about because 70% of the people on the street have the same thing and will never know it. Other than that, he said she has such long times between the PSVT episodes he wouldn't put her on medication and the cath-electrode (ablation) procedure is only a last resort if medication doesn't work.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 120 - First Day of Work!

Easter was yesterday and today is Jan's first day of work.

To start with, the hour long trip to the middle of no where went without a hitch. There was still a lot of storm damage evident. The tops of almost every tree of any size was broken off. First we went to the church where Jan visited the graves of her parents while the children of the congregation hunted for Easter eggs. After that, we returned to Caneyville to Jan's sister's house for lunch. Everyone brought something and it was a pretty good meal.

The first day of work was a bit of a challenge. For the most part, everything went well. Tessa took her to work on her way to school. Jan made it to lunch but she tired out a little early. I picked her up at around 2:00PM. She rested pretty much the rest of the day, taking it easy.

She was hoping to get into physical therapy this week but she doesn't feel she's strong enough yet.

Keep your fingers crossed. She returns to the heart doctor tomorrow.