Day 62 with just two weeks and four days to go!
If Jan feels well enough for the short trip, we are going to the Shaker Tavern for Valentine's Day dinner. A group at her church organizes one every year. We haven't gone to one for a few years. A couple from the church has been offering to take us out to dinner more than once but circumstances have not been with us. They were the ones that invited us to Valentine's Day dinner. I hope she feels up to it this time. I will post pictures if there are any that turn out well.
Yesterday I took Jan by her work to visit with coworkers and to do a bit of work. Any excuse to get her out of the house and walking around is a good thing. It is the only exercise she can do.
I'm working from home with the odd day at the office so I've not used up as much leave time as she has. Her work's policy is to use all paid sick leave and then paid vacation leave before going into unpaid status. We asked if she could go unpaid immediately since we don't need the money and I'd rather have her not use up her vacation time. After this is all over, we need some time out of halo away from everything. But, I don't write the policy and her last paid day is probably next week with no vacation time to speak of for the rest of the year.
While we were on campus, I suggested she go volunteer in the nursing class so the students could get an idea of how to deal with a halo. There is a dearth of information and education on the subject, especially in the medical community.
On the way home, we went by her favorite store and picked up a single-serve blender-ish device called a Magic Bullet. We are hoping it makes getting her daily yogurt requirement easier by mixing it with fruit and ice to make a smoothie.
Magic Bullet Website
The insurance is all screwy now. Our primary health carrier is paying the bills when it should be auto insurance. I've called, futile as it seems, to inform them they are not responsible for the charges due to it being an auto accident. All that got me was another form to fill out and the explanation that it would all be ironed out in subrogation. My only concern is they actually paid Bilkmore for stuff I have contested, such as two collars and too many morphine injections. At this point, I don't care enough to worry about it. My only focus is on March 4th!
She felt really achy on Thursday and I gave her half of one of her better pain pills. It really helped. I let her have the rest of it at bedtime and she is back to Tylenol all day Friday and nothing so far on Saturday.
Now for some picture updates. Here's how it looks when she stands, as viewed from all four sides. You will notice how far forward her head is craned to "preserve" the all critical, overriding and comfort-be-darned spinal alignment!

If Jan feels well enough for the short trip, we are going to the Shaker Tavern for Valentine's Day dinner. A group at her church organizes one every year. We haven't gone to one for a few years. A couple from the church has been offering to take us out to dinner more than once but circumstances have not been with us. They were the ones that invited us to Valentine's Day dinner. I hope she feels up to it this time. I will post pictures if there are any that turn out well.
Yesterday I took Jan by her work to visit with coworkers and to do a bit of work. Any excuse to get her out of the house and walking around is a good thing. It is the only exercise she can do.
I'm working from home with the odd day at the office so I've not used up as much leave time as she has. Her work's policy is to use all paid sick leave and then paid vacation leave before going into unpaid status. We asked if she could go unpaid immediately since we don't need the money and I'd rather have her not use up her vacation time. After this is all over, we need some time out of halo away from everything. But, I don't write the policy and her last paid day is probably next week with no vacation time to speak of for the rest of the year.
While we were on campus, I suggested she go volunteer in the nursing class so the students could get an idea of how to deal with a halo. There is a dearth of information and education on the subject, especially in the medical community.
On the way home, we went by her favorite store and picked up a single-serve blender-ish device called a Magic Bullet. We are hoping it makes getting her daily yogurt requirement easier by mixing it with fruit and ice to make a smoothie.
Magic Bullet Website
The insurance is all screwy now. Our primary health carrier is paying the bills when it should be auto insurance. I've called, futile as it seems, to inform them they are not responsible for the charges due to it being an auto accident. All that got me was another form to fill out and the explanation that it would all be ironed out in subrogation. My only concern is they actually paid Bilkmore for stuff I have contested, such as two collars and too many morphine injections. At this point, I don't care enough to worry about it. My only focus is on March 4th!
She felt really achy on Thursday and I gave her half of one of her better pain pills. It really helped. I let her have the rest of it at bedtime and she is back to Tylenol all day Friday and nothing so far on Saturday.
Now for some picture updates. Here's how it looks when she stands, as viewed from all four sides. You will notice how far forward her head is craned to "preserve" the all critical, overriding and comfort-be-darned spinal alignment!