Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day 98 - Is This The New Normal?

At 14 weeks after the accident, it almost feels like this is the new normal. This is a normal Jan does not want, nor do I. She feels like her progress is so slow and she just wants to be back like she was before the accident. I know she can do this but she needs more encouragement. She thinks her progress is slow but it took seconds to break her neck, 80 days to get atrophied muscles and it can't all be undone overnight.

With only nine days until her next appointment, I am trying to keep her motivated. Some of the time, I wish she'd do a blog on her own. She is still working on her on-line class and contemplating how she can get to work with minimal effort. She wants to return to work but just doesn't have the stamina for a full day.

Today, she walked about two miles, part of it at the grocery where we got more yogurt! Even if she isn't a fan, it is helpful with healing the bones.


  1. I am certain things well get better soon. I still have difficult days as well although not as many as before. Perhaps there is something else affecting her stamina ie: iron deficiency or thyroid problems. Maybe she should discuss this with her doctor. It is difficult for others to understand what it`s like to go through such a traumatic event. There are repercussions that go beyond the physical. The thought of going back to work full time is daunting for me as well. It may be that she needs more time, or will need to return part-time for the first little while. Either way, she will get better. You have both managed to persevere this far. It`s just a matter of time now. I wish you both good luck.

  2. She had labs done a month ago and everything was good. I'm giving her a multivitamin every day to supplement her diet.

    The anxiety about going back to work will fade eventually. It will just take some mental healing time now that the bones are well mended.

    Jan's doctor only put a 10 pound limit on her and didn't say anything about the bones needing to heal more. I specifically asked pointed questions about driving, therapy, massage. Oddly enough he did not answer the massage question and only laughed under his breath. I was serious!
