Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 104 - Jan Went Up The Hill

The scholarship interviews on campus were a test of Jan's stamina. She spent all day without a nap. It did get to her a bit and after lunch she had me put a heating pad on her neck. We finally arrived back home around 6:30PM and she was pretty tired.

We won't find out anything about the results until Tessa gets a letter next week. We have our fingers crossed! Even if she doesn't get the Presidential Scholarship, she has the Award of Excellence Scholarship and is in the Honors College. Between the scholarship and the KEES money, she should be pretty much set.

After all the running around yesterday, we only walked two miles but it was a day without a rest break that she is used to. She slept pretty well last night and now we only have to see the doctor on Wednesday to see what happens next! Hopefully, physical therapy will be prescribed.

Fingers crossed and hoping for the best!


  1. Sounds like Jan is making good progress. It also sounds like you have a daughter to be proud of!

    I did a little shopping - by myself -yesterday. My husband had some errands to run so he dropped me off and let me do my thing for about an hour. It was an odd feeling to be left alone; I felt somewhat vulnerable to be sure. But it went ok. Now, you wouldn`t think trying on a couple of tops would be a big deal. However, today I am paying for it big time. I had pain in my neck all night long and, so far, today is no better. I think raising my arms up over my head (to remove the top) is what did a number on me. Where`s that Tylenol.. The good thing is that it`s sunny and 14 degrees celsius here :) That is balmy for this time of year.

  2. Good for you! Bad for the pain. It is 70F here today and Jan is wanting to walk so I'm off to walk with her.

  3. 70F! Ok, we won`t be seeing that here for a while. We`re just happy to be seeing some grass re-appearing from underneath all of that snow! I hope you had a nice walk. I`m planning to get out with my husband tomorrow as well. We are supposed to get cooler weather in the coming days so we really should take advantage of the "balmy" weather. Bien a vous.
