Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 96 - Lame Update

It has been 96 days since Jan and I had the accident but only 16 days since the halo was removed. I've been back to work for two weeks and she has 12 days until the next appointment.

Not much has changed since the last update. She continues to walk as much as possible but without the ability to go anywhere on her own, she feels a bit isolated and trapped at home. We IM during the day and I go home every day for lunch. She doesn't get out as much as she did with the halo. I try to get her out but she just doesn't feel like it some of the time.

However, yesterday, we all got out. Jan, Tessa and I went shopping. I did not take the handicap placard either so she walked a little more. Afterward, we picked up some dinner.

Two other halo wearers have come to my attention. One is like Jan, already out of the halo while the other is only a few weeks into her time. Jan has been emailing the new user with any helpful tips she has. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her.


  1. It sounds like your wife and I are neck to neck (no pun intended) time- wise. I have been in the brace for about the same time and am seeing my doctor in 12 days also. I am doing very well but am also stuck in the house since I can`t drive with the brace on. Not sure how much longer I`ll need the brace. For the time being, I seem to have very limited range of movement in my neck. I`m confident this will improve gradually (I hope). Good luck.

  2. Glad to hear that. Jan gets to changes braces every morning after her shower. She tests her range of movement while her neck dries before we put the dry one on.

    Good luck with your appointment. I will be watching your blog for updates.
