Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day 52 - CT Scan or MRI?

Day 52 opens without definitive answers and 29 days to go. Jan called the imaging company on Tuesday about "The Scan" only to be told there was no appointment. Next, she called the Bilkmore clinic and was told the scan order was sent in yesterday but they never notified us. Back to the imaging company she calls and they found an order but it is faxed in on an MRI sheet, not a CT scan sheet. The MRI tech says that even though the vest and halo are MRI safe, it may not be the best choice. She said they generally do a CT scan to confirm bone healing. An MRI can confirm that as well as view the soft tissue. THE MADNESS!

Jan and I both agreed Bilkmore cannot communicate for anything. They tell us one thing and do another. When both of us remember it one way and the nurse says something different, I believe two against one.

The MRI tech, at Jan's request, was going to call the NP and request clarification on the type of scan. Hopefully, a medical professional to medical professional phone call will not have a 48-hour turnaround. The MRI tech promised to call us back once she had confirmation on which scan was needed. That didn't happen yesterday so Jan is going to call Bilkmore one more time.

Regardless, she has an appointment for an 8:00 AM something on March 4, 2009, with the report and images going with us. Effectively, we will know the results before we even get on I-65. The radiologist is the one that reads the images and makes the report. Neuro just has to agree or disagree.

Update from last week: The doctor I was told would call me, the one that allegedly supervised the halo-sadist, is hereby deemed useless as well. Still no call from him. Jan's care could NOT get any worse. If complaining and lodging formal, written letters result in any repercussions for her, they are even more pathetic than I can possibly imagine.

Will this nightmare ever end? I have the "Excellent Service" phone number on speed dial if they sent in the wrong order. That is negligence! Is there any wonder why doctors are the third leading cause of death in America?

Sometimes I believe they are actually trying to harm her but that's just the paranoid in me creeping out. When I start thinking like that I'm reminded of this quote:

"Never ascribe to malice, that which can be explained by incompetence." -- Napoleon Bonaparte

On a happier note, Jan went to her floral arrangement class on Tuesday night. That was the first time since the halo she's been left someplace I haven't stayed with her. I drove her there and dropped her off with a friend that is also taking the class. The week before we confirmed Jan could get in and out of her Blazer before I was OK with it. She brought Jan home without incident. It is also the first time Jan has ridden with someone besides me since the accident.

1 comment:

  1. To be able to work in these establishments, the technician must be skilled in handling the MRI equipment. Click here
