Later today, we will attend Tessa's tennis team picnic. We picked up all the meat, buns and charcoal yesterday. I just hope it is not too hot. There is a shelter reserved even though the chance of rain is almost none. At least it should be shade.
Jan is driving on her own now. That's a big improvement at 24 weeks since the accident! She, and sometimes me, thought this day would never come. It has been the hardest five and a half months of our lives. It isn't over but it is closer than ever.
We've decided that she will get her, hopefully, last accident-related x-ray in Bowling Green before her July 1 visit rather than deal with Bilkmore's radiology department. We have never gotten her in and out of the imaging there in less than an hour. Either there were issues with the orders or the shuttle was late or the lab was busy. They are three for three on screw-ups and delays.
I refuse to make her put up with their nonsense any longer. It is her choice to be as comfortable as possible with all of it and she has had so much better experiences locally than at Bilkmore.
Tessa had a little gathering of friends at the house where they played Guitar Hero until nearly midnight.
The vacation situation is finally arranged. It looks like we are going to Kauai, Hawaii later this year! Two bedroom, ocean view in paradise!
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