Jan had her second visit to the Bilkmore Neurosurgery Clinic today. This is a long one so get some coffee.
It snowed at least an inch on Wednesday in Bowling Green. Jan was fearful she would not be able to make the trip to Bilkmore if the roads were slick. I assured her the interstates would be top priority for both states. Our driveway melted off thoroughly without any help so I knew the interstates would be clear. We did not have any trouble reaching Bilkmore. The problems always start AFTER we arrive.
The double whammy of sinus infection and antibiotics had upset her stomach more than on Tuesday. She didn't eat much on Wednesday and I was concerned about her. She still wasn't very hungry this morning and was afraid to eat much before traveling. All I could get down her was some toast and jello. We did manage to get her hair washed without being dizzy which alleviated a lot of her anxiety. She was worried but we got through it. After the visit she was hungry and we got a Wendy's burger. So far, so good!
I gave her a pain pill, the first in three days, before the trip to Nashville. They tightened the pins and I'm sure she'll need a valium soon. I've come to the conclusion that the pins, once tightened on Jan 5th, shifted the entire halo around her head up by about a quarter inch. All of the pins have an opening below them. Yet again Dr Sloppy has demonstrated his lack of experience by doing a poor job of selecting sites! This may be accepted medical treatment but it is barbaric.
Jan says it feels like the halo gained a few pounds after tightening. When they tightened it, she could hear the bolts crack when the torque wrench reached the torque value. I can only imagine what if feels like and I don't think I'd like to experience it.
My sister, the nurse, told me about filing a complaint with the state medical board against Dr Sloppy. I found the form at the TN Medical Board website and am filling it out. It probably won't do any good but I'm going to put it down on paper. It is the least I can do to repay him for all the lovely work he did on my wife. His dedication and attention to detail... OK, you can see right through my sarcasm, can't you?
This picture was of the whiteboard in the exam room.
The people that schedule these things told us to get there a half-hour early to get the x-ray. I knew they were lying because I could hear them speaking! We arrived at 11:18AM, were signed in and all paperwork filled out by 11:21AM (they documented it as that time) and then we had to wait 20 minutes for the shuttle. They sent us to the main x-ray lab but they were backed up again and wanted us to go, literally, 300 yards down the hall to the other x-ray lab. I went off on them!
A nice lady at that x-ray lab got Jan a wheelchair and even rolled her down with me trailing her coat and essential travel gear. She asked something about the x-ray and I let her know I'd never be back to Bilkmore once we were done. They had done nothing but jerk us around from the very first ER visit and I was not happy. After we reached the other lab she went and found a director and he had a little meeting with us.
We expressed our displeasure with the whole series of events and he said that was not the Bilkmore way. He agreed that 13 days was not very quick turn around for a call to a nurse. He said we should have heard back from the patient advocate since it had been a full month. He also said he would let the chief of neurosurgery know and there definitely would be something done. He stated this was a top priority with Bilkmore. I hope he is right and I'm going to be sending the medical board complaint in tomorrow's mail.
The following picture was on the wall of every exam room. Kind of ironic considering the difficulty we've had with everything Bilkmore. I do not believe we've had excellent care. I don't believe what Jan has experienced qualifies as adequate care. Guess what number I'll be calling once we get an appointment?

We finally arrived back at the clinic around 12:40PM and it was almost 1:00PM before the nurse practitioner arrived and she left almost immediately saying she had a meeting! She left us with an RN that had never tightened a halo and she acted intimidated by it. I was just about to tell her to stop when the NP returned and said the meeting would have to wait.
She told Jan the pins were tight but I watched her turn the first pin, the left front one nearly a full turn before it clicked. She started with that one the last time and turned it a half-turn then. That is not an indication that a single pin is loose. It is an indication that the first one tightened will always be the loosest one.
For instance, think of a bicycle wheel with spokes. If you only had four evenly distributed spokes and they are even the slightest bit loose, tightening only one to a specified value will make the others tighter and shift the hub, in this case Jan's head, from the center. No mechanical skills at all with these people! No wonder the pins are ripping the flesh.
Then, when she tightened the lock nut she didn't hold the pin while torquing the lock nut. If you do not hold the pin while tightening the lock nut the torque value is invalid. It will most likely be tighter due to additional torque on the lock nut. Very poor technique and bad assembly procedure. I'm way more precise with my valve adjustments than they are with the human body! I kept my mouth shut for Jan's sake, despite my desire to scream.
The NP said the spine is still in alignment and we are doing a good job of keeping the pins clean. What's new? I'm angry and frustrated, not incompetent!
I let Jan do as much of the talking as she would and could. If there was resistance to Jan's wishes, I piped up with a more outrageous demand and made her seem quite reasonable. The NP/voodoo witch again said the vests never fit well and to just take it. Could she care any less? You know what? If you don't try to improve the fit I can guarantee it never will fit properly! How would you like to wear an off-the-rack suit not quite your size for three months without even attempting to tailor it?
Jan asked to have a CT scan done in Bowling Green on the next visit and the nurse started saying it wasn't time since this was only her second visit. I quickly informed her it was 7 weeks and she had previously said we could have had a scan on this visit if we wanted. I strongly (maybe loudly) voiced my opinion that we wanted a CT scan on the next visit and we wanted to get it in Bowling Green! All of a sudden the NP is afraid of subjecting Jan to too much radiation! Wow, what about the four full scans and two neck and two head scans she had on 12/14/2008 when Bilkmore could have used the scans from the Medical Center if radiation is a major concern? Sounds like she's using a straw man argument to me. She is going to get one less scan now than she would have previously.
She then started saying the accident was 12/14/2008 and she could not get a CT scan before 3/14/2009. I corrected her by telling her that 12 weeks is 84 days and three months is 90 days, a week longer. The NP sent the nurse after a calendar. Mind you I've calculated it out several times and have a reminder every Sunday of the week count. She was arguing with me but agreed once she used a calendar. Twelve weeks put it at 03/09/2009.
Jan turned upon the NP's sympathies to explain that we left at 10:00AM and it was now 1:30PM and would be closer to 3:00PM when we got home. Five hours for a "simple" office visit is a long time out of the house for a halo wearer. Surprisingly, she agreed after a brief refusal. I don't think they like working Mondays so she agreed to March 5th or 6th and we would need the scan on the previous day from Bowling Green. A week later than I hoped but not March 14th!
Then, the NP said she would be in a collar for six weeks and she could not take it off for anything but a shower and even then to not move her head. I've read literally a dozen accounts of people having this injury and wearing a halo. Some only wear a brace to strengthen the neck muscles and some don't wear one at all. Nobody I've read an account of has worn one for six weeks without removing it for anything but showers. The NP even said to use two, one for showers and another to change into after. You can be assured I will be diligent in getting the correct answer despite the NP's statements.
To top it off, she will NEVER see the actual neurosurgeon that is on her records. He isn't even in the same building!
If it isn't healed after 12 weeks, it isn't going to heal. My reading of studies shows that most people wear a halo for 8-12 weeks, depending on age and general health. Most CT scan studies show that most healing occurs between the fourth and eighth weeks with minimal additional healing occurring between the weeks 8-12.
Bones heal much like cuts. A scab forms to cover the damaged ends. Jan's break is deep into the cancellous bone. That's the soft spongy part that has all the blood supply. It is analogous to the flesh under your skin. The two sides of a fracture grow together much like your skin closes the gap in a wound. The cortical or hard bone covering is like the outer skin.
Right now and ever since the accident Jan has been getting a minimum of 100% of the daily recommended allowance of calcium and vitamin D. She hasn't had any NSAIDs because they reduce inflammation, which is the bodies reaction to an injury. Reducing the inflammation retards the bodies natural healing ability. Tylenol and narcotics do not have this effect.
I know, I read too much but when I feel I'm getting better information from the internet than from the person treating my wife, especially when I seem to be getting a consensus, I just do not trust the care she is getting.
It snowed at least an inch on Wednesday in Bowling Green. Jan was fearful she would not be able to make the trip to Bilkmore if the roads were slick. I assured her the interstates would be top priority for both states. Our driveway melted off thoroughly without any help so I knew the interstates would be clear. We did not have any trouble reaching Bilkmore. The problems always start AFTER we arrive.
The double whammy of sinus infection and antibiotics had upset her stomach more than on Tuesday. She didn't eat much on Wednesday and I was concerned about her. She still wasn't very hungry this morning and was afraid to eat much before traveling. All I could get down her was some toast and jello. We did manage to get her hair washed without being dizzy which alleviated a lot of her anxiety. She was worried but we got through it. After the visit she was hungry and we got a Wendy's burger. So far, so good!
I gave her a pain pill, the first in three days, before the trip to Nashville. They tightened the pins and I'm sure she'll need a valium soon. I've come to the conclusion that the pins, once tightened on Jan 5th, shifted the entire halo around her head up by about a quarter inch. All of the pins have an opening below them. Yet again Dr Sloppy has demonstrated his lack of experience by doing a poor job of selecting sites! This may be accepted medical treatment but it is barbaric.
Jan says it feels like the halo gained a few pounds after tightening. When they tightened it, she could hear the bolts crack when the torque wrench reached the torque value. I can only imagine what if feels like and I don't think I'd like to experience it.
My sister, the nurse, told me about filing a complaint with the state medical board against Dr Sloppy. I found the form at the TN Medical Board website and am filling it out. It probably won't do any good but I'm going to put it down on paper. It is the least I can do to repay him for all the lovely work he did on my wife. His dedication and attention to detail... OK, you can see right through my sarcasm, can't you?
This picture was of the whiteboard in the exam room.

A nice lady at that x-ray lab got Jan a wheelchair and even rolled her down with me trailing her coat and essential travel gear. She asked something about the x-ray and I let her know I'd never be back to Bilkmore once we were done. They had done nothing but jerk us around from the very first ER visit and I was not happy. After we reached the other lab she went and found a director and he had a little meeting with us.
We expressed our displeasure with the whole series of events and he said that was not the Bilkmore way. He agreed that 13 days was not very quick turn around for a call to a nurse. He said we should have heard back from the patient advocate since it had been a full month. He also said he would let the chief of neurosurgery know and there definitely would be something done. He stated this was a top priority with Bilkmore. I hope he is right and I'm going to be sending the medical board complaint in tomorrow's mail.
The following picture was on the wall of every exam room. Kind of ironic considering the difficulty we've had with everything Bilkmore. I do not believe we've had excellent care. I don't believe what Jan has experienced qualifies as adequate care. Guess what number I'll be calling once we get an appointment?

We finally arrived back at the clinic around 12:40PM and it was almost 1:00PM before the nurse practitioner arrived and she left almost immediately saying she had a meeting! She left us with an RN that had never tightened a halo and she acted intimidated by it. I was just about to tell her to stop when the NP returned and said the meeting would have to wait.
She told Jan the pins were tight but I watched her turn the first pin, the left front one nearly a full turn before it clicked. She started with that one the last time and turned it a half-turn then. That is not an indication that a single pin is loose. It is an indication that the first one tightened will always be the loosest one.
For instance, think of a bicycle wheel with spokes. If you only had four evenly distributed spokes and they are even the slightest bit loose, tightening only one to a specified value will make the others tighter and shift the hub, in this case Jan's head, from the center. No mechanical skills at all with these people! No wonder the pins are ripping the flesh.
Then, when she tightened the lock nut she didn't hold the pin while torquing the lock nut. If you do not hold the pin while tightening the lock nut the torque value is invalid. It will most likely be tighter due to additional torque on the lock nut. Very poor technique and bad assembly procedure. I'm way more precise with my valve adjustments than they are with the human body! I kept my mouth shut for Jan's sake, despite my desire to scream.
The NP said the spine is still in alignment and we are doing a good job of keeping the pins clean. What's new? I'm angry and frustrated, not incompetent!
I let Jan do as much of the talking as she would and could. If there was resistance to Jan's wishes, I piped up with a more outrageous demand and made her seem quite reasonable. The NP/voodoo witch again said the vests never fit well and to just take it. Could she care any less? You know what? If you don't try to improve the fit I can guarantee it never will fit properly! How would you like to wear an off-the-rack suit not quite your size for three months without even attempting to tailor it?
Jan asked to have a CT scan done in Bowling Green on the next visit and the nurse started saying it wasn't time since this was only her second visit. I quickly informed her it was 7 weeks and she had previously said we could have had a scan on this visit if we wanted. I strongly (maybe loudly) voiced my opinion that we wanted a CT scan on the next visit and we wanted to get it in Bowling Green! All of a sudden the NP is afraid of subjecting Jan to too much radiation! Wow, what about the four full scans and two neck and two head scans she had on 12/14/2008 when Bilkmore could have used the scans from the Medical Center if radiation is a major concern? Sounds like she's using a straw man argument to me. She is going to get one less scan now than she would have previously.
She then started saying the accident was 12/14/2008 and she could not get a CT scan before 3/14/2009. I corrected her by telling her that 12 weeks is 84 days and three months is 90 days, a week longer. The NP sent the nurse after a calendar. Mind you I've calculated it out several times and have a reminder every Sunday of the week count. She was arguing with me but agreed once she used a calendar. Twelve weeks put it at 03/09/2009.
Jan turned upon the NP's sympathies to explain that we left at 10:00AM and it was now 1:30PM and would be closer to 3:00PM when we got home. Five hours for a "simple" office visit is a long time out of the house for a halo wearer. Surprisingly, she agreed after a brief refusal. I don't think they like working Mondays so she agreed to March 5th or 6th and we would need the scan on the previous day from Bowling Green. A week later than I hoped but not March 14th!
Then, the NP said she would be in a collar for six weeks and she could not take it off for anything but a shower and even then to not move her head. I've read literally a dozen accounts of people having this injury and wearing a halo. Some only wear a brace to strengthen the neck muscles and some don't wear one at all. Nobody I've read an account of has worn one for six weeks without removing it for anything but showers. The NP even said to use two, one for showers and another to change into after. You can be assured I will be diligent in getting the correct answer despite the NP's statements.
To top it off, she will NEVER see the actual neurosurgeon that is on her records. He isn't even in the same building!
If it isn't healed after 12 weeks, it isn't going to heal. My reading of studies shows that most people wear a halo for 8-12 weeks, depending on age and general health. Most CT scan studies show that most healing occurs between the fourth and eighth weeks with minimal additional healing occurring between the weeks 8-12.
Bones heal much like cuts. A scab forms to cover the damaged ends. Jan's break is deep into the cancellous bone. That's the soft spongy part that has all the blood supply. It is analogous to the flesh under your skin. The two sides of a fracture grow together much like your skin closes the gap in a wound. The cortical or hard bone covering is like the outer skin.
Right now and ever since the accident Jan has been getting a minimum of 100% of the daily recommended allowance of calcium and vitamin D. She hasn't had any NSAIDs because they reduce inflammation, which is the bodies reaction to an injury. Reducing the inflammation retards the bodies natural healing ability. Tylenol and narcotics do not have this effect.
I know, I read too much but when I feel I'm getting better information from the internet than from the person treating my wife, especially when I seem to be getting a consensus, I just do not trust the care she is getting.
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